Monday, February 8, 2016

The Artist

In Janice's poem, The Artist, she compares the ways in which she views herself with the ways others view her.  She proves others wrong, revealing her true identity.  Meanwhile, in the artwork below, Gemma displays her amazing artistic ability.

Artwork by Gemma L., Grade 8

The Artist

I am an artist

I am a writer

I am a reader

That’s what they see


I pay attention in class

I get good grades

I don’t cry over spilt milk

That’s what they see


But that’s not true

That’s not me


People who don’t know me say that I'm smart

And nice but sometimes mean

They say that I’m such a good artist

They say I’m talented


But only the people who know me well

Know that that is not true

I lie, I cheat,

I trick and eavesdrop


The real me is locked away and hidden

The only key at the end of a long, hard, painful journey

Most people don’t try to find it

But a few people do


I am an artist

Swirling and mixing up truths

I am a writer

Dipping my pen in lies

I am a reader

Interpreting weaknesses


I pay attention in class

To the people who are struggling

I get good grades

By stepping on those around me

I don’t cry over spilt milk

But I regret and mourn my past choices


There’s a method to my madness

But it’s locked and hidden away

Just like my true side

The key entrusted only to those closest to me


The path is long and narrow

Steep cliffs and dense shadows creeping in tendrils

A light shines at the end

But only the most devoted may take the key

by Janice C., Grade 8

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