Thursday, June 1, 2023

Farewell Day 1: June 1st with Ellana K.

To close out an exceptional year at Sevenatenine, we will present a different poet's work each day accompanied with artwork created by the poet. 

Today, enjoy work by Ellana K., Grade 7

looking at the bigger picture

When the wrens

sing their song every morning,


I think of the little stroke of paint to the picture.

I am told to look at the big picture;


As if the big picture is even a beautiful one

I am told to stop looking at the smaller picture;


but which picture shows



then the big one?

Which picture displays my


life next to every 8 billion pictures then the small one?


which is a painting of our world and what we know it as

When will the bigger picture ever not be so philosophical,


as our lives was never made

to be but perhaps the earth just planned it to be


I don’t think

our life is meaningful it’s just a life,


one in 8 billion one picture in the big picture

one artwork time well spent on


that’s still as insignificant as the next

picture; the next painting


in the bigger picture

which isn’t as nice as we all think


it is

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